Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Unlaborious Labor Day

What a marvelous lazy day it is today! We took Axel for a walk this morning andI did a little knitting on Buttercup. This afternoon I watched President Obama's speech at Laborfest in Milwaukee.

Nothing like and 234.5K people went to the Minnesota State Fair! Luckily we (and by we I mean only Chris, Tegan and me - not the entire 234K+ group) went early in the morning by bus and were home before 3PM. What a crowd there was when we were leaving!! Next year I'm going on a weekday! BTW - the BEST mini-donuts can be found at the stand just outside of the Grandstand building on the left side as you face the grandstand. Fluffy and sweet and just the right amount of grease and sugar! ;-)

Back to a normal work routine tomorrow after a long weekend after a week in Atlanta for Horizon Lab File Build training. Learned a to put it to use. More training will be forthcoming over the next 8 weeks! I hope this proves to be interesting AND rewarding.

Knitting Project Update

I'm still not finished with that shrug...whatever.

The Flutter Scarf had an error in it about 18 painful rows back and so I ripped it (not easily) while listening to (I can hardly say I was watching) Doubt with Philip Seymour Hoffman and Meryl Streep. An unpleasant task and a not-so-great movie. Glad I didn't pay money to see it in the theater when it came out. The scarf is back on track and I hope to hell don't have to rip it again because the Malabrigo lace was clinging strongly to itself!


This is 13 repeats of the 50 repeats of this chart until the ruffly edge chart can be started. This has a provisional cast on and it starts in the middle of the scarf and is knitted to one end, then you come back and pull out the waste yarn and knit to the other end.

The Buttercup, which I'm knitting with red Hempathy is much more knitter-friendly. While the yarn I'm using is the same as that used by the designer in the pattern, I'm thinking I would prefer it in a little heavier gauge. Maybe I'll change my mind when its completed and blocked. As it looks right now, I will have to wear a cami under it. Here's what it looks like at the moment.


In just a few more rows I'll be splitting the sleeves from the body! Yay! I originally wanted to wear it this year but as often happens, other projects got in the way. So instead, it will be a spring thing. Seriously, I need to start knitting spring and summer stuff beginning in October and November and then do the winter stuff starting in April and May! It's all just backward!

The next big project that I want to start is the Icarus Shawl and the next smaller project will be the Spiral Tam with matching socks and hand warmers. I hope that's before the end of September! I want them to be a Holiday present for someone.

Bird Watching

It's that time of year again. The Red-Breasted Nuthatches have arrived on their autumnal flight to their winter digs south of the border. We saw several Eastern Phoebe's out front yesterday...they must be traveling with the RBNH's this year. Soon I suppose the Dark-Eyed junco's will be popping around on the deck like so many bouncing eight-balls.It was a Purple Finch pool party this morning at the birdbath out back. And last evening we saw a Cooper's Hawk swoop down and grab a snack. :-S Bird's gotta eat, right?

Mrs. Cardinal is having a bad "hair" month....she's lost all her lovely head feathers and sort of resembles a turkey vulture...sort of. We saw this a few years ago and the lady at the Wild Bird Store said it's some sort of virus. Hopefully she will be back to her beautiful self soon.

I'll leave y'all with a Labor Day message from Robert F. Kennedy that was shared by one of my favorite House of Representatives members, Congressman Alan Grayson of Florida.


Highland Monkey's said...

I have to brace myself when I have to rip some rows out. Often I leave it for the following day. The other photo is a lovely rust colour is it going to be a jumper?

Nancy said...

The pattern is called Buttercup and its will have a lacy bodice with a little cap sleeve. The body will increase as it goes down, sort of swingy.