Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Cats and Mouse

Here we have the Harbinger of Fall.....

"Thank God they saved me from that Big Fat Cat!"

Big Fat Cat doing her box thing...yep Dori still still likes small spaces... I found this shoe box half-chewed in my closet and brought it down to throw away...but not until she had one last catnap in it on the counter! :-S

Ace makes sure that my knitting is plenty furry!

My Best Friend...Piawacket and I have been friends for 11 years now. She sits by my side when I 'm knitting and sleeps at my side when I go to bed. And because she has some Siamese in her she talks to me all the time too. MeOW.

And Fluffy is the resident Weirdo...she mostly hangs out down in Chris' Art Room during the summer months. She comes up for food, and a good night ear scratching when I get into bed but then she dips off to her hidey-spot for the night. Once the season changes she will be hanging out again in the family room with us. She and Pi both came from Last Hope back in 1996.

On to Knitting stuff....

I had to pick up my sweater before I had a chance or thought to photograph it all blocked out because I had to lock up the dogs in the office in case the contractors decided to wander by. (I'll tell you the saga of the remodel another time...its a freaking LOOOONG story....Suffice it to say they have been here since last October!!!) Anyway, no blocking photos. I sewed the raglan seams last night and hope to get the neck stitches completed tonight...with any luck there will be a picture of it here yet this week. Until's a picture of the yarn before the project began.


Anonymous said...

so you found a mouse in your house? How did that happen?

I learn that cats have strange behavior, but one thing is sure. They love food. They always come for food.

Angela Kay Knitter said...

I would have let your cat crunch that mouse. Yikes!!! I hate mice!!