Monday, September 3, 2007

Autumn is just around the Corner

It wasn't quite summer the last time I posted and now its only 3 weeks to the the Autumnal Equinox. I was driving to Target on Saturday and watching the joggers and dog walkers and bicylists and thinking how used to summer we become by the end of August. Seems we start to take it for granted even. Its at this time that the gardens and trees begin to look just a little weary and seem ready for a change. I love the changing of the seasosn; its in that small space of time when this change is poised that I feel renewed as nature reaffirms its dominance and control over all things great and small.

I'm also rejoicing because the Katia Mexico yarn tht I bought at Mary Lue's moving sale back in early spring has become a front, back and 2 sleeves of a sweater and is at this moment lying pinned to beach towels on my home office floor. I will be able to sew the raglan seams together later today and pick up some stitches for the neck edge and hopefully will resemble this...

Except in the Rust, Red, Brown and Black colorway....for Autumn.

Unfortunately, that has to wait as on this Labor Day I am working. :-S What the Hell! Oh, Well. I brought Traveler's Stocking #2 with me to keep me occupied during the slow periods today. Alas...its red yarn or magenta needles...Size 00 and I didn't bring my glasses! Its hard enough to get back into the groove with these socks after using sz 10 needles for the sweater....but the color and the size of the needles that the sock is on....Oy! I'm knitting from memory cuz I sure as heck can't really see what I'm doing!

Wondering what everyone else is knitting and if people have started their Christmas gift projects yet. I think I'm going to knit someone a hat and mittens with a matching dog sweater. I would love to do it in pink and white...but the dog is a boy...maybe something in a dusty apricot... :-)

I also wanted to try my hand at the Fiber Trends Felted slippers this year! Wonder how many pair I can make between now and christmas...

This November marks my 4th year knitting...I have to keep doing the math becuase it seems like I've been knitting for many years...but I picked up the needles for the first time on the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, 2003 at Zandy's Yarn Shop in Burnsville! My spare time has never been boring or idle since that day!

Sorry about the lack of photos with this post but my camera is at home today and I figured since I had time on my hands here I had better let my friends in cyberspace know I'm still alive. Pictures to come later! The cats are being catty....Dori had her first mousy playmate of the season on Saturday evening! Scampering around in the kitchen under the table with it. I have a picture (in the camera) of the wee visitor in DF's hand after rescue and before he took him/her across the street and released it back into the wilds of the wooded area surrounding the pond.

So stay tuned for pictures of sweater being blocked, mouse, cats, dogs and other asundry stuff later in the week!

Happy Labor Day to you all!


Carrie said...

Do try the Fiber Trends slippers, they're quick and satisfying.

I haven't begun to think about knitting for Christmas yet but I guess I should start!

Happy Labor Day to you as well!

Criosa said...

I always think you've been knitting forever! lol or at least more than just a year longer than I.

can't wait to see what the sweater looks like!

Debra said...

I second the slippers! Great project, perfect to prepare for the cool weather.

The ziploc bag works pretty slick-- I like to stick the entire works into the top of the bag & zip closed for transport. No mess & truly portable!

Anonymous said...

So you didn't run out of yarn then? That's cool.