Friday, November 14, 2008

The Last 2 Weeks in Review

  • We have a new President-Elect!
  • I lost an old friend.
  • I found some new friends.
  • It snowed - it was beautiful.
  • It rained - ok we needed moisture in the ground going into winter...but it undid all the snowmaking the ski hills had accomplished.
  • I picked out new skis (actually in October - but they're ready to be picked up at the shop).
  • I made country style pork ribs and 'kraut in the oven. I really love it when the seasons change!
  • I got angry - yet again - at my weight loss plan - I'm debating on what to say about this.
  • I started a new knitting project.
  • DD has been to the brink of quitting school and back; last night she enrolled in 4 new classes for the next semester.

Lets see...what order to take these in -

How about Weight Watchers first... "You can eat whatever you want and lose weight"! Turns out...maybe not. I've been going to WW since June 3, 2006. In 2006 I lost 25 lbs....and then is sort of started to creep back on slowly...and then, BAM! This year I'm back to 8 lbs from my starting weight....and I don't mean the 6 lbs 3 ozs that I weighed when I came into the world. Over the course of about 4 or 5 weeks now I can lose about 5 lbs and then BAM! the next week its right back up. I am staying within my points. So this week - on Wednesday - after the normal few weeks of good progress in the correct direction - I was up 4.4 lbs again! I stayed within my points. So WTF?!!! I took my journal with me to the meeting and after sitting through the group meeting (and hearing once again, you can eat the foods you like) I approached the meeting leader and showed her my journal and asked her to give me some advice. Her advice: stop eating the carbs...oh, but increase fruits and vegetables (I'm eating 2-3 fruits and 2-3 veg servings a day now!)...oh, but be careful because they have carbs too. huh? so....I should do what exactly? Eat what I like and count the points (follow the WW flex plan) or do Atkins or South Beach? No...I have to find a balance, I was told. When you're over 40 blah blah blah...yeah yeah...whatever. Dammit. I don't eat that many f'ing carbs! Normally.

OMG - I am so frustrated! I also learned that I'm an anger eater! I went to our local bistro and had a burger and fries. I didn't feel guilty either...only way too full!

So...I guess I double down and try again. No other alternative...and don't say the E word. I'll get plenty of that if it snows!

My skis are ready at Pierce. They're my early Christmas present from DF. They are Nordica Firefox! Here's the new boots. I'm so psyched!!! and I hope to try them out SOOON! Come on....SNOW!

I picked up Fluffy's ashes on wasn't too traumatic since I wasn't actually expecting them when I took Axel for his annual checkup and distemper shot...but there she was...ready to come home in her truly lovely urn. So she's home...and I still talk to her. Weird maybe, but somehow right.

New friends and a new knitting project are sort of linked...sort of. I'm taking a class at Knitter's Palette which is not only a good way to learn new techniques, its a great way to meet new people with which you already have something in common! The project is the Ivy League Vest by Eunny Jang highlighted in IWK Winter 2007 edition.

The yarn I'm using is Elsbeth Lavold Silky Wool in Claret, Rosehip, Golden, Coffee Bean and Eggshell and the needles are u.s. #2's (which I need to get back to because its calling me...listen...can you hear it? or is that YOUR project calling to you?!? ;-) )

Shout out to both Pams and Darcy and Angela and ...geez, I'm sorry.... the lady with the purple yarn in her project whose name I can't remember!

I also attended the Friday Night SP-IT at Knitters Palette last Friday night. Pam had a large turnout once again and some different faces and names that I can link to Ravelry avatars and profiles!

DD is going to try to complete the coursework she needs to be able to transfer from Normandale to a 4 year college or University...even though she was complaining about homework and "work" work and life balance for the past month! I'm really happy that she's sticking with it and not giving up.

And last but definitely not least -I'm thrilled that history was made on November 4th. It feels good to finally have a leader who I can call My President. And I'm hopeful (even though my job went to India in 2006 and I'm making about 2/3 of what I was making and I've lost a LOT of money from my Mutual Funds in the last year) that we have taken the first steps in the right direction. We all need to go back to the basic ideas set forth when this country was born... we are not in this alone and that we have to work together to build hope and community - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness! Imagine restoring our Constitution and Human Rights which have been run roughshod over for the past 7+ years! I'm just ecstatic at the prospects!

Peace and Brotherly Love to Y'All!


Eileen said...

Hey, Nancy, I hope you are doing okay, sorry it took so long to get to this... we're in College App Panic, which I know you will sympathize with!

My advice re the diet thing is to lower the carbs (just raise the lower-carb veg choices and lower the fruit), and to eat *more*. I know that sounds weird, but sometimes those of us with thyroid issues get really freaky Setpoint issues. The other question, of course, is whether you've been exercising more than previously - in case you are making heavier/denser muscle while you are losing lighter fat. Sometimes it's easier on your feelings to measure progress by measuring inches rather than pounds...

I love Fluffy's urn, it's beautiful. And I think it's natural to still talk to her. A friend is a friend, wherever she is...

Here's hoping the rest of the month goes more smoothly!

Rina said...

If it makes you feel better. I gained 8 lbs since I graduated from school. No more walking to school with bus anymore. and i've been snacking. What can I say I love snacks :) But on the other hand, I look a bit alike to DH :D

What's an E word?

See you Wednesday.

Nancy said...

Thanks Eileen - I cut out the bread/english muffin in the morning and at lunch and increased veg and proteins and that seems to be doing it. I'm still fine tuning but I think that's the key really.

Rina - E = Exercise... LOL