Friday, June 27, 2008

3 Weeks of stuff

I see that its been 3 weeks since I've posted anything on this here blog. I need better blog time organization I guess. Part of it is that I work on 4 different computers and I never seem to have the pictures on the computer I'm working on when I have time to blog. And everyone likes pictures!

So today I find myself on the right computer at the right time! Hooray!

I have a new laptop with 3 usb ports for external junk. One on the right side for Mr Mouse and 2 stacked on the left right in front of the power plugin. If I'm plugged in, I can't fit the card reader into the slots on the left. So in order to plug in my external Promaster memory card reader I have to either run on battery power (unplug the power pack) or move the mouse to the left side. Nice design Dell! Well, then again, I could upgrade to a wireless mouse,eh? :-S

Here's one of the spindles that I bought at the Shepherd's Harvest last month in Lake Elmo, MN. I bought 2 spindles, an Ashford and this Driftwood Spindle. I started out with the Ashford spindle which is a medium weight spindle and I was having all kinds of trouble. Like it would spin for a half dozen rotations and then stop and go the other way. :-S Then I switched to this spindle. Its a heavier spindle (1.9 oz I think) and it keeps spinning for longer which allowed me to draft some fiber between twirls.

The headband was not knitted from the fiber that came from the spindle...That fiber is still on the spindle. :-)

This is the K2P1 headband that I knitted with the first handspun. Its 2 ply, one orange corriedale and the other single was natural merino.

Rina lent me her Louet Victoria spinning wheel to try out and gave me some instruction on how to do it. She's a very good teacher...extremely patient and thorough. The headband is made from the yarn that came from her spinning wheel. Its artisan of goes from super bulky to gossamer thin.

1 comment:

Rina said...

I think you are doing quite well for first time spinner. I still have my first to third handspun yarn stashed somewhere in a corner. :D

Nice headband. You can use it for winter.