Monday, December 17, 2007

Ready for Christmas?

So...I'm not ready for Christmas. I can't believe its only 8 days away! I have most of my gift knitting completed. I guess one of the sisters will have to wait for her shawl. Alas.

I just can't seem to get excited about the holiday. I feel like one of those dopes on the Hallmark channel in need of a Christmas inspiration/miracle. :-( DF did surprise me with a cute little (OMG HALLMARK) singing snowman that made me smile...made me want to bake maybe there's hope for Christmas spirit yet...


I did manage to get some shopping done last weekend and just ordered some more stuff from Barnes and Noble on-line for delivery before Christmas...


Oh, and I also managed to get to I am Legend. I love Will Smith...but I was not impressed by the creatures...they were sort of like the reapers in Blade 2 without the jaws....ho-hum. Maybe I should have gone to Alvin and the Chipmunks....

Well...that's about it for now...I better take some pictures of the shawls before I ship them off! Stay tuned for knitting pictures later in the week.

1 comment:

Angela Kay Knitter said...

Don't worry, I seem to be suffering from the same hum drum non-Christmasy attitude this year. Hopefully it to will pass (like on boxing day for instance).

Even with your ho-hum critique of I am Legend - Todd are going to give a go tonight. I'll let you know what we think.