Here's what's new and useful! I wore these at the movies weekend before last and they were GREAT. Kept my elbows toasty in the air conditioned theater when we went to see Shrek III.
Here's a closeup of the left one....
I may have mentioned there's a bit of cashmere mixed into these...really freaking comfy!!!
Of course when we went to see Mr Brooks last week it was cool and drippy outside so I wore a hoody to the movie but these babies will get plenty of wear this summer as temperatures outside go up and the Regal cranks the AC to full power. If you like suspense and you like Kevin have to see Mr. Brooks. Talk about a freaky movie..and William Hurt plays a great alter-ego. Its campy in places, funny in others. Generally disturbing and yet I felt sorry for Mr. Brooks to a degree that is also sort of disturbing in itself. Good flick but not for the squeamish.
On to what's on the needles. I am fighting my dishcloth addiction (yes there is one on the needles but its at the bottom of my bag) and working on getting the Traveler's Stockings finished. Here's where I was yesterday morning...I devoted myself to them last night and this morning before work.
I have grown fond of the 6-6:30 am interval lately. I am ready for work...I have my coffee and my knitting and I can just sit and relax before the day turns into one issue after another at work. My job is extremely rewarding and can be extremely stressful. I have been in Information Technology for over 20 years and most of that time was spent in Research and Development, Software Design, Network Enginneering, Administration and Support. The past 7 months I have been working with a small IT Call Center to get it ready to grow into what it needs to be in order to support a growing HealthCare Organization in the Twin Cities. Its great...but we need more people! Hence the Stress...So my 30 minutes of blissful knitting is a much needed start to my day! I wish I had time to knit at lunchtime but I'm busy answering emails and communicating new processes and new issues to the call center staff and members of the IT Department. :-S
OK...enough of that .....back to what's on the needles. When I'm not knitting on the sock (or that dishcloth) I'm managing a row or two on my 2nd Caliope Shell. I bought the pattern on knitpicks a couple of years back. I knit one in KnitPicks Shine, color- cherry, for DF's sister and now I'm knitting one for Moi in this awesome apple green Nashua Mercerized DK weight cotton.
I've been knitting on this for a couple of weeks but you wouldn't know it from the picture because I've frogged the damn thing and started over...oh, I don't know...I think 4 or 5 times. I spent one night just casting it on over and over. It has a funky cast on called a Channel Island Cast on and I didn't want to waste a lot of yarn on an extra long tail so estimating the amount to start with was tough. I started out knitting for the Large (44") ....but after 2 repeats it looked absolutely I ripped it. Then there was more casting on fun. Once I got the thing cast on again (this time for the Medium, or 40") I started knitting away and got 2 repeats into the body when it occurred to me (while in the shower) that the beginning and ending 8 stiches for the size 40 were different than for the 44 and I hadn't adjusted my knitting to use that chart! Damn Damn Damn! So one of my 30 minute morning intervals was used to thread a smaller needle into the garter stiches (theres a 4 row garter edge after the cast on) so I could rip it back to right before the chart pattern begins and thus avoid the cast on fun...
Anyway....its back on the needles. Its looking like the right size and I'm using the right chart for this size and all is right with this project...for now. Its a really fun pattern to knit so once the sock is finished I'll be happy to devote myself to this one full time and hopefully get it done by Independence Day. I hope.
Looking forward to the weekend (this week at work is busier than sh*t!). Saturday is going to be a really busy day (but in a good way) - Weight Watchers at 8:15, Breakfast at Jensen's Cafe and then WWKIP outing at Lake Harriet Rose Gardens from 11a-2p...then DF and I are going to have Smores and Beers with some friends in Hudson on Saturday night and I'm looking forward to seeing them! I think Good Friday we met some of them at Buffalo Wild Wings in Woodbury....but this time Angela Kay Knitter will be there and I haven't seen her and her DH since they got married and moved away. Geez, that's almost 2 years! Actually they moved to NC, came back for the wedding, then went back to NC and are now living in/near closer and visit-able!
And I'll leave you with this thought....There ain't nothing like stretching out for some ZZZZ's on a slab of granite under the halogen lights with a nice pot of coffee to start your day!
It was great to see you at the party! You look marvelous!! Be sure to remind me when it closer to when you are going to visit the windy city. I also love your arm warmers, can you send me the pattern? There are times watching TV or sitting in the car when my arms get chilly, but it's not cool enough to put on sweater. With those (and good set of bun warmers) I'd be set!!
The Pattern for the Arm Cosies is Free from Lion Brand's website. If you go to this link ( and then type in Arm Cosies in the search box it will bring you right to them. You may have to register to get the pattern if you aren't already registered for free patterns on their site. (Angela, I emailed you the pattern, at least it said it emailed to you)
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