Monday, April 9, 2007

New Blogger!

I just found out that my friend Angela has taken up knitting in earnest since she moved away from Minnesota and has JUST created her first blog!!! She is living in Illinois and I'm sure she would just love it if you check out her brand new blog at

As to my own blog, I'm having 2nd thoughts about the new blog design here.... Maybe I'll go back to the old template....I sorta like the nice clean lines though..... And I love ORANGE! Who'd o' thunk it!? I'm usually more of a chartruese person most of the time, sage greens, deep is a complete departure for me.

Sorry there were no pictures of Travelers Stocking #1 in my downloads this time or even a picture of the tee I'm knitting......just cat pictures...

Mom....puh-lease go away!

Dori has taught Ace the finer points of getting hair all over the clean laundry....When Ace isn't busy playing in the kitchen sink.


Anonymous said...

LOL. Those pictures are so cute. We are planning to get another female kitten so our cat is not so lonely. Maybe I will see both kittens cuddling with each other someday.

Pam said...

I love your cat pictures!