Friday, September 1, 2006


Rina asked why I called the little pests at the picnic "yellowjackets". Yellowjackets are wasps and not bees, first and foremost. Bees have better things to do with their time than hover around soda cans and garbage. Wasps on the other hand are indiscriminate feeders. They have no flowers to pollinate or honey to make. They are creepy little critters who can sting over and over again. Currently, its a battle of wits at our house between the bald-faced hornet and Chris. He's trying to keep them off the hummingbird feeder but its a losing battle. The hummingbirds have to fight the yellowjackets to get to the feeder. We have a wasp trap out there and it catches lots and lots of them during the week but still more of them show up to drain the sugar-water from the feeder. The good thing is that the hummingbirds can come out and feed when its raining...not so the evil wasps! And its supposed to rain this weekend. Which, incidently not only means the hummingbirds will be able to eat in means I will have more time to KNIT!


Rina said...

That is pretty explanotary description of yello jackets Nancy. :) Thanks

Tipper said...

Yellowjackets are horrible little creatures. When my sister and I were very little, we stumbled upon a nest, and those suckers stung us hundreds of times, over and over. I was itchy for weeks.